awareness better life create your space happiness Something good just happend. Gratefull! [#107] WHAT CAN I DO WITH THAT ENERGY?
challenge crazy dare you in the evening With friends out. Adventurous! [#117] LETS PLAY A GAME… SHOULD WE?
challenge crazy dare you eat and drink No money. So thirsty! [#137] HEY… WHO IS GOING TO PAY THE NEXT ROUND?
crazy create your space eat and drink instant boost Right now. Feeling dull! [#157] HOW COULD I LIFT MY MOOD?
better life challenge crazy dare you Travelling to work. Monotonous! [#377] TRAVELLING BY TRAM IS BORING! ANY IDEAS?
better life crazy ext. controlled happiness Any time… any place. Still Bored! [#377] I AM STILL SO BORED! I NEED A KICK…DO I?
crazy create your space happiness special Any time… any place. Bored! [#387] I AM SO BORED! I NEED A KICK…DO I?
better life create your space eat and drink surprise Sunday afternoon. Lonely! [#317] I WILL PICK YOU UP AND WE DO… WHAT?
better life eat and drink in the evening less alcohol Night out. Thirsty! [#427] SHOULD I HAVE ANOTHER DRINK?
better life create your space ext. controlled happiness Checking the mobile… AGAIN! Feeling pushed! [#437] WHAT TO DO WITH THE MOBILE?