better life eat and drink happiness healthiness less sugar Slightly hungry. Need a candy! [#447] WHAT SHOULD I GET AS A QUICK SNACK?
better life create your space fitness happiness Seeing you later. Need action! [#547] WHAT ARE WE UP FOR?
better life create your space friendliness happiness Seeing you later. Happy! [#557] WHERE SHOULD WE MEET?
better life create your space ext. controlled happiness Not my game. Feeling powerless! [#597] HOW COULD I HANDLE THAT SITUATION?
create your space fitness healthiness in the evening Just starting. Day totally packed! [#598] IS THERE SOMETHING I CAN LOOK FORWARD TO?
better life eat and drink happiness in the evening Home after work. Hungry. [#237] BREAD AND BUTTER AS USUAL?
better life eat and drink healthiness stressed Quitting time. Feeling wasted. [#235] SHOULD I DRINK A BEER TO RELAX?
fitness happiness healthiness in the morning Just got up. Already in a hurry! [#234] BUSINESS AS USUAL?